Why Growing Freedom?
As a society, we’ve built a lot of systems that give us comfort and convenience. That convenience often comes with a price—our freedom! Some of these systems have grown to the point where we are completely dependent on them. We’ve become captives of our own making!
Here at Growing Freedom Homestead, our goal is not to become totally self-sufficient. Humans will always be interdependent and we don’t pretend to think we can produce everything ourselves. Our goal is to take more responsibility over our lives. With every aspect of our lives that we take under our own purview, our freedom grows. It isn’t easy, but the freedom is worth it! We are excited for the challenge to step up our freedom game and share our journey—including our successes and failures!
About Us
It’s difficult to pin down exactly when we began our Homestead or “crunchy” journey. We both grew up with gardens and started gardening at our first apartment. We have always been interested in being prepared and spending time outdoors. Becoming expectant parents prompted the beginning of a new era of deep dives and researching. This of course led to some changes in our lifestyle. Significantly (to us), all five of our children were born at home, and we chose not to vaccinate. Before our 2nd was born we had moved to a home in a more rural nearby town on a half acre. We got chickens pretty quickly after moving, and then jumped into dairy goats. Since then we’ve continually grown in our pursuits including entrepreneurship, homeschooling, natural medicine, natural building, etc.
We eventually hit a turning point when we decided to move from our home state of Utah to Southern Missouri. You can read more about our decision to move here, but the TLDR version is that we felt called to come here. We are not only starting a new homestead, but will be building our off grid home on a raw piece of land. We have many challenges ahead of us and we’re excited to share the rest of our journey with you! We want our blog to be interesting, enlightening, entertaining, and hopefully helpful to those who are wanting to start moving toward a life with more freedom.