How to turn EVERYTHING into an Educational Opportunity
When it comes to homeschooling, I often hear concerns about how parents have a hard time getting their kids (boys especially) to work on certain subjects. I get it! The struggle is real! Boys tend to dig in their heels when you try to make them do something they haven’t chosen themselves. However, it doesn’t always have to be a struggle…

Why I chose to homeschool
Honestly, if I had known about homeschool as a kid, I would have loved to have done it. I had a VERY rough school experience. Right away in first grade we started alphabetizing. I struggled with it for some reason. It took me a long time and I had to sing the ABC song EVERY SINGE TIME! (Ok, I have to admit that I still do that on occasion). It took me three times longer than the other kids and the more nervous and self conscious I got, the slower I got at it. My teacher was a grumpy, frumpy, stern woman who had no empathy for children and had no business teaching sensitive young children like me.