Turning Mushrooms into Medicine!
Today I want to show you how we made medicine out of something that grows wild all over the forest. We love to forage! The idea of food growing wild that can be harvested and used right away is really interesting and exciting for our family. It seems like the more I learn about foraging, the more I think we as society are really missing the mark. Often, the most beneficial plants are very prolific, wide spread, and grow even in poor conditions. Because of that, most people call them weeds and try their best to kill them! Maybe they were designed to be resilient so that they would always be there to help us?
Since we’ve moved to Missouri, we have access to more than a few plants that we’ve heard of but never been able to use. One of those things is Turkey Tail mushrooms.

The Great Off Grid Ozark Adventure: part 10
One of the systems I wanted to work on was water. We planned to buy a gas powered pump and a water tank that would fit in a truck or trailer to get water from the creek. I was frustrated when I drove a good distance to buy a pump and they were out of stock. They were also more expensive than I expected. Electric pumps were cheaper. I started looking into 12 volt DC systems that can run directly off solar but it started to get a little complex. I wanted a simple solution. I looked at AC pumps and they were way cheaper and had more selection. Then it hit me! We had a portable power station!

The Great Off Grid Ozark Adventure: part 9
It was clouding up and we could hear thunder in the distance so we figured we would go grab something quick like a peanut butter sandwich and keep working until the rain came. We headed back to the trailer and just as we started getting food, I heard a few rain drops hitting the trailer roof. I told Ethan I was going to go back to get the tools put away while he made food for us. By the time I got back to the build site, a large storm had rolled in. It was thundering, pouring, and blowing like crazy. I got the tools gathered but was 100% soaked by the time I got back. Water was already running on the ground and the heavens unleashed!

The Great Off Grid Ozark Adventure: part 8
Then it happened. The one difficult neighbor pulled up. She had a nasty look on her face and she pointed at me and signaled for me to come over. My first reaction was to totally ignore her. I didn’t really want to talk to her and I had set my boundaries through text. I didn’t want her to think that she could just summon me at her whim and I would obey like a dog. However, something happened that I wasn’t expecting. It was like a fierce lion sleeping deep inside me woke up and roared. I felt a strange power well up from within. Something told me to go deal with that woman.

The Great Off Grid Ozark Adventure: part 7
At this point, I felt like I had removed the obstacles needed to finally get some work done on the road. However, there was one more. This obstacle was a little more complex.

The Great Off Grid Ozark Adventure: part 6
… I felt like I had all these tools and they were all rebelling against me. It was another big disappointment. Finally, I sat down and I just prayed. I asked God what I needed to do to fix the tractor. The answer that came surprised me.

The Great Off Grid Ozark Adventure: part 5
After returning home, we had finally started getting some good momentum on our house projects in Utah. There is always a lot to do, but we were feeling better about many of them. We continued to work toward that and selling our businesses. However, time waits for no one and the deadline for our road was approaching quickly. The old easement was expiring soon and the new one was not yet in a condition that was navigable.

The Great Off Grid Ozark Adventure: part 4
As time drew on, we knew we’d need to find our way out there and start working on this road project. We have a time limit, so while funds are limited, time is even more limited. I tried getting our new neighbor on the phone to discuss details but she wouldn’t reply to me. Finally, I told her that we are coming to work on the road and that they are liable for half the cost so if they want any input, to call me back or I’d just send them the bill.